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This And That Everything that does not fit under any other category

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Vanha 06.11.2003, 06:38
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.474
Blog Entries: 2

Bash.orgin parhaat palat (qdb - quote database) on saitti jonne on kerätty humoristisia(?) (irc-)quoteja.

Paikan + - mittarit eivät aina pidä ihan paikkaansa, ja joskus huonoksi reitatuista löytyy helmiä.

Tänne ne!


<BigBurk> God i really cant stand windows me
<Felacio> heh i know. i moved to win2k
* Felacio sucks huge cock
<Felacio> errr ME, not /me

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Vanha 06.11.2003, 06:53
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.474
Blog Entries: 2

<b00m> i once got a virus that opened and shut my cd drive and i was like wtf... i ended up taping it shut until i wiped my computer

<pronstar``afk> my kazaa preformed an illegal opperation
<cCCPehlet`> isn't that what kazaa is designed to do?

<studmuffn> ive been to one star trek convention, and i was 14
<studmuffn> it was cool. patrick stewart was there
<studmuffn> they told us not to ask why they cant fix baldness in the 24th century

<litigator> fucking a fat girl is like riding a scooter its fun til someone sees you

<Karnaugh> if sex is shitty, you're doing it wrong
<BinX> Or you're doing anal.

idrinkdeodorant> what OS are u using?
kingart3> i just use the computer
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Vanha 07.11.2003, 00:28
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.474
Blog Entries: 2

<Scruuf> i'd rather live in a basement with 100mb then in a castle with 56k
<Shub> er...I rather have a connection something in between and live in a normal house ;P
<Scruuf> that just proves you're weird

<purem> my sk00l had an anthrax scare today
<purem> it ended up being some poor guys coke
<purem> he's prolly gonna get expelled :/
<purem> or at least kicked outta the faculty
<purem> and then executed
<Morris> haha
<Morris> They mistook some coccaine for anthrax?
<purem> yeah
<Morris> hehe
<Morris> Poor guy
<Morris> All he wanted, was to do his lines.
<purem> ya
<purem> it's bad enough that he lost his coke, but he had to go and quarintine like 600 people into that building for like 4 hours
<purem> heh
<Morris> :/
<purem> rough day
<Morris> Coke heads around the world now lable their coke with "Not Anthrax" stickers.

<clay> my car is immobile
<ryanwrk> doesnt that go against the whole point of a car existing
<clay> i can push it around

<kisama_> I <3 YOU
<Swish> you "less than three" him?
<kisama_> please.
<kisama_> it's an emoticon...turn your head sideways kthx
<kisama_> i thought you were hardcore.
<Swish> apparently not that hardcore.
<Swish> but I guess it depends if you're left or right handed.
<kisama_> well E> is flat
<Swish> it could be a mean, hateful face with evil eyebrows...
<Swish> or it could be some broken-assed glasses with a mischevous smirk.
<kisama_> weirdo.
Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 31.03.2006, 00:56
Killman:n Avatar
Killman Killman ei ole kirjautuneena
Rekisteröitynyt: 09.02.05
Sijainti: Helsinki
Viestit: 1.461

Onko tämä nyt samaa spammia kun

Jos on niin voiko joku tehdä tälle jotain?

Vastaa lainaten
Vanha 31.03.2006, 01:04
Lars:n Avatar
Lars Lars ei ole kirjautuneena
Humble Administrator
Rekisteröitynyt: 22.09.01
Sijainti: Helsinki, Finland
Viestit: 2.474
Blog Entries: 2


Ja asialle tehdään koko ajan jotain, mutta viestien sisältö muuttuu koko ajan.

Jos haluat osallistua spammin siivoomiseen, parhaiten autat lähettämällä ilmaantuvat spammiviestit minulle (lars) privaviestillä (jotta saan kehitettyä spammifiltteriä) ja ilmoittamalla asiasta moderaattorille joka voi poistaa spammit.


Resistance is Futile! You Will Be Assimilated!
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Käyttäjiä lukemassa tätä viestiketjua: 1 (0 jäsentä and 1 vierasta)


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Sivu luotu: 15:57 (GMT +2).